February 2022 – Projects, projects everywhere!

It’s February, and I’ve just returned from Superstars Writing Seminar in Colorado Springs, CO – an annual event that teaches the business of writing as well as having a day spent on honing craft skills. This was my fifth year with the conference where I usually help with the registration desk in addition to going as an attendee. This year had a ton of great information.

On the writing front – “The Executioners” with Jason Córdova was completed and turned into the publisher on February 10th. “Cast the First Stone” has been released in William Alan Webb’s Hit World series in You Pay; We Slay. I’ve also completed “Glass Houses” – My second short in the same series.

Last but not least – my short story Gumbo: A Rise of the Peacemakers Story that originally appeared in “Set the Terms” has now been released as a stand alone story through Amazon.

My next project will be another short in the Four Horsemen Universe before settling down to work on the first of two novels. One in the Hit World Universe, and the second will return to the Salvage Title Universe and the Benthi Federation.

That’s all for now.

As Always, Keep reading!


February 2022 – Projects, projects everywhere! Read More »

A Nest of Stars

November 2021 – A Nest of Stars book release!

Plus work in progress, and a look ahead.

A Nest of Stars

A Nest of Stars released on November 5th and the last ten days have been a whirlwind!

Book 12 in the Coalition series, A Nest of Stars begins a new story arc in the Salvage Title Universe planned for a three book series.

I’m amazed at the amount of support the release has had. To anyone who has bought, read or shared the word – Thank you!

Upcoming stories – I have two short stories in the pipeline. The first is “Cast the First Stone” that will appear in “You Pay, We Slay.” an anthology in William Alan Webb‘s Hit World series.

You Pay, We Slay

When one of the highest scoring snipers in history is called up to settle an old score, Life Enders takes exception to the hit, especially since the target has a very particular set of skills.

The second is “What Goes Around” appearing in Christopher Woods‘ This Fallen World series.

Among the Embers

The good people of Devil’s Head Arcology just want to live their lives in peace, but trouble is here, and the only way to deal with it is to enter a race in Denver’s undertown where the rules change with every lap and no one is guaranteed to survive.

Work in Progress:
Big news in the Four Housemen Universe (4HU)
For the last six weeks I’ve been working with Jason Córdova on “The Executioners.” All I can tell you at this time is this book is going to check all the boxes you expect from a 4HU novel, and of course is going to give you a whole new set of questions. Stay tuned on this one!

Future work:
2022 is on deck with four short stories and two books currently on the schedule – more about that later, but by release day you can be sure you’ll be meeting new friends as well as visiting with old ones!

That’s all for now. As Always, Keep Reading!


November 2021 – A Nest of Stars book release! Read More »

September 2021 – Publication Schedule

Fall is here, that means a number of things in Colorado. The aspens are turning. With cooler evenings the fire pit is open, and soon the local corn maze will be running, Haunted Houses and Halloween – My favorite holiday, are just around the corner. It also means that a ton of hard work is about to burst through into the light of day:

First up! Hollow Threats – A story in “And Then It Got Weird” an Anthology Edited by Jamie Ibson and Chris Kennedy coming October 22nd.

And Then It Got Weird

700 years in the future, almost everyone lives a life of enhanced virtual reality, but when Cthulhu cultists are up to no good, it’s up to Private Detective Irving Tolliver to journey into the Hollow Earth and stop them!

Next! Whatever Happened to Charlie Biggs? will be in “It Takes More Kinds” The second Anthology in the Salvage Universe of Kevin Steverson Edited by Kevin Steverson and Chris Kennedy Coming November 1st.

It Takes More Kinds

It’s another boring day for Charlie, a career security guard working the space docks on the Benth Orbital ring. When a routine check into a noisy alien tourist group coincides with an attack on the station, It’s up to Charlie to sort things out.

This story gives a preview of events happening in my upcoming novel also in the Salvage Universe, but you won’t have to wait long!

Last but not least – “A Nest of Stars!” will be released November 5th!

A Nest of Stars

Rath Peterson and the Seven Deadly Sins Mercenary company are ready to call it quits, and after a last successful mission, they return home for some well-earned R&R.
As they settle their affairs and prepare to say their goodbyes, they are offered one last run from a species not often seen in the Benthi Federation, a simple job that will add enough to the balance sheets that none of them ever need to stand in harm’s way again.

The Votha have rediscovered technology that will allow them to defend their home system, and all 7DS needs to do is evacuate a research team from an isolated outpost back to their home world, but within hours of accepting the contract 7DS is attacked, and in the aftermath they discover that nothing is the way it seems. Word of the Votha find has leaked, and others will stop at nothing to take it for themselves.

At the same time, powerful interests at home have thrown the Benthi Federation into chaos, leaving the team with nowhere to run – but the 7DS have never been ones to run from a fight, and the answer to the fate of four systems may be sitting in the Merry Dreamer’s cargo bay.

I’ll have two more story announcements for you in October! Thanks for looking in, and as always,

Keep Reading!


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August 2021 – Catching Up

This summer has gone by in a flash. How is it August already? It seems only yesterday it was May and I was at FantaSci for my first convention as an Author. I had a great time, and seeing my work in the wild, meeting a bunch of other Authors I had only met online until then, as well as meeting some great 4HU fans and talking with them about “Prodigal Son” were absolute treats!

Since I got back I’ve been working on a number of stories and there’s a bunch of good things happening, the first of which was the cover reveal for the first of back-to-back anthologies in Kevin Steverson’s Salvage Title universe.

The first is “It Takes All Kinds” My story “Whatever Happened to Charlie Biggs?” will appear in the second anthology “It Takes More Kinds” and will give you a sneak peek into the events happening in “A Nest of Stars” If you haven’t read the Salvage Title series yet, now would be a great time to dive in!

“Hollow Threats” has also been accepted and will be coming soon to an anthology near you.

I have three other shorts in the pipeline, and three novels in planning and plotting stages that I’ll announce as soon as there is something solid I can share.

After a bit of a break, I’m back in front of the keyboard and working on the next round of stories..

If you are looking for more frequent updates, please check my Author page at: https://www.facebook.com/MattNovotnyW…

Until next time, thanks for being a part of my Writer’s journey.

Keep Reading!

August 2021 – Catching Up Read More »

April 2021 – Juggle, Juggle, Toil and Trouble

Welcome to the next installment of the MattLand times. This month is all about work. work completed and work yet to come.

Last night I typed “The End” on HOLLOW THREATS a short for an anthology with release date TBA. Like Sci-Fi, Detective Stories, and H.P.L? This story will scratch that itch.

Work in progress (working Titles):

I’m currently about 40K words into A NEST OF STARS. A novel for Kevin Steverson’s SALVAGE universe.

VERUM EST IN SANGUINEM 1k into another short, this one will be a Supernatural Thriller/Urban fantasy also for an anthology TBA.

I have one more short currently in queue, there’s nothing firm on that yet, but more on the way.

Word count is averaging between 800-1K a day 6 days a week. Day 7 is catch-up or movie night.

I’ll be attending FantaSCI 2021 in NC may 21-23. Come meet me and a whole slew of Authors. Books Galore! For more information, check here: https://fantasci.rocks

Keep Reading!


April 2021 – Juggle, Juggle, Toil and Trouble Read More »

March 2021 – Springing Forward

It’s been just over a month since the release of Prodigal Son and it currently has 52 ratings and 4.8 out of five stars on Amazon.

A big thank you to anyone who has read the book and especially to anyone who took the time to leave us a review!

Spring in Colorado always comes with the urge to be out and about, something that doesn’t mesh well with the wrap up of the pandemic, or with the need to have my butt-in-the-chair writing, but it’s good to see the light past 5pm again. With any luck the world will be a more normal place all around by the end of summer and I’m hoping to have at least a couple backpacking trips this year. As John Muir said “The Mountains are calling and I must go.”

When I’m not working or writing, I feed our neighborhoods pack of wild peanut devouring squirrels, and as soon as we are past the major freeze warnings will set up our fountain – that means the return of the ravens and most likely a coopers hawk or two.

On the writing front I have four projects currently on deck. One novel and three short stories. Right now I can tell you that the novel takes place in another SciFi shared universe and I’ll be able to tell you more in June or July, and that one of the shorts is on the same timeline.

For the other two, one will be turned in in May and the other is for a 2022 project, but I hope to have the story completed by August as I already have a sequel and possibly a novel in mind for that universe. There is also another the possibility of another book starting this fall, but at this point its too early to say. There has been a lot happening since the start of 2021 and I’m grateful for the wealth of opportunity.

Moving on from SciFi, I’ve started sharing some of the Dark and Stormy bits I’ve collected over the years on my author page at https://www.facebook.com/MattNovotnyW…

I’ve started a newsletter that will contain a copy of this blog and eventually some other material if you would prefer to have news delivered direct to your email.

That’s the news for now.


March 2021 – Springing Forward Read More »

February 2021 – Prodigal Son Release

The last two weeks have been really busy. The PRODIGAL SON book launch happened on Feb 12 and both Mark and I are thrilled with the response it has received so far. Thank you to everyone who has supported PRODIGAL SON and especially the readers that have provided reviews. It means the world to us. There are some special thank-yous I want to get out there.

Chris Kennedy at CKP (Chris Kennedy Publishing) for everything he does to bring new writers into the fold.

Mark Wandrey for creating the Four Horsemen Universe with Chris.Kevin Ikenberry for creating the Peacemakers and Inviting me to play in his sandbox.

Mia Kleve for her endless patience and fantastic editing.

My Co-Author Mark Stallings for all the long evenings where we plotted confusion to our Characters.

The Authors and Fans of the 4HU for being a fantastic community to be a part of. You all ROCK!If not for all of you PRODIGAL SON would not have been written.

I’ve been busy continuing to set up all the things Authors are supposed to do besides writing. You can now reach me through my Author page at:

Sign up for my Newsletter at:

Soon I’ll be working on a website. In the meantime, I can also be reached via email at:

In addition to the social media work, I have several new writing projects lined up and announcements for those will be coming soon.

That everything for now. Be seeing you soon!


February 2021 – Prodigal Son Release Read More »

February 2021 – New Author Page

New Author Page: www.facebook.com/MattNovotnyWrites

In the run up to the release of Prodigal Son I’m making progress on a bunch of administrative stuff I’ve sat on for too long. For quick updates or to follow my writing journey, please visit my Facebook Author page, https://www.facebook.com/MattNovotnyWrites for news on releases, projects and what’s coming next. Plus the start of an artifact tour of the Lovecraft office, the place where I armor up in my war with the written word.

Hope to see you there!

All the Best,


February 2021 – New Author Page Read More »

January 2021 – Prodigal Son Cover Release!

I had a great surprise tonight! The cover for my upcoming novel in the Four Horsemen Universe “PRODIGAL SON” has been released. This is the next story in the Rise of the Peacemakers series. Written with my co-author Mark Stallings, this book continues the story of Peacemaker Jackson Rains and some of the characters from my short story “Gumbo” that appeared in the “SET THE TERMS” anthology. It’s a real milestone for me to see my name on the cover and realize that this is going to happen. We wrote a book! I feel grateful for the advice and support from all of the great writers I’m privileged to know. I learn from them every day. Prodigal Son will release February 12.

January 2021 – Prodigal Son Cover Release! Read More »

December 2020 – Achievement Unlocked!

When Peacemaker Jackson Rains must weigh the survival of his family against the future of the Peacemaker Guild – How can he decide?

I’m happy to announce the manuscript for PRODIGAL SON is through final edits and safely in the hands of the publisher. Currently set to release on February 12.
PRODIGAL SON will follow up on Jackson Rains after Kevin Ikenberry’s FIELDS OF FIRE – You will spend time with old friends and new.

If you prefer audio books – the Audible for SET THE TERMS was released on Dec 22, 2020. Grab yourself a cup of GUMBO and settle in for over 13 hours of great peacemaker stories.

I’m excited to see my first novel in print. I learned a tremendous amount in my collaboration with Mark and in working with Kevin Ikenberry and Editor Mia Kleve on this tale in the Four Horsemen Universe (4HU) – now it’s time to apply all those lessons learned and sharpen up those tools for the next project.

I hope you and yours have a fantastic Holiday Season!

December 2020 – Achievement Unlocked! Read More »