Plus work in progress, and a look ahead.

A Nest of Stars released on November 5th and the last ten days have been a whirlwind!
Book 12 in the Coalition series, A Nest of Stars begins a new story arc in the Salvage Title Universe planned for a three book series.
I’m amazed at the amount of support the release has had. To anyone who has bought, read or shared the word – Thank you!
Upcoming stories – I have two short stories in the pipeline. The first is “Cast the First Stone” that will appear in “You Pay, We Slay.” an anthology in William Alan Webb‘s Hit World series.

When one of the highest scoring snipers in history is called up to settle an old score, Life Enders takes exception to the hit, especially since the target has a very particular set of skills.
The second is “What Goes Around” appearing in Christopher Woods‘ This Fallen World series.

The good people of Devil’s Head Arcology just want to live their lives in peace, but trouble is here, and the only way to deal with it is to enter a race in Denver’s undertown where the rules change with every lap and no one is guaranteed to survive.
Work in Progress:
Big news in the Four Housemen Universe (4HU)
For the last six weeks I’ve been working with Jason Córdova on “The Executioners.” All I can tell you at this time is this book is going to check all the boxes you expect from a 4HU novel, and of course is going to give you a whole new set of questions. Stay tuned on this one!
Future work:
2022 is on deck with four short stories and two books currently on the schedule – more about that later, but by release day you can be sure you’ll be meeting new friends as well as visiting with old ones!
That’s all for now. As Always, Keep Reading!