| Military Sci-Fi | Science Fiction | Post Apocalyptic | Eldritch Humor |
Hello friends – welcome to my little corner of the web. Here you’ll find information on my stories, upcoming appearances, behind the scenes information and more. – Settle in, grab yourself a drink, and I’ll tell you a story….
Curious about how some of my stories came to be? I’ve got you covered with a new Behind the Scenes page. Check it out!
My Latest Release
Soul Mate – Hit World: Valkyries Book 3
Every profession has its perks—and its problems.
When Solomon Thorpe accepted the mantle of the Sin Eater on the death of his mentor Roland Addy, he became the kind of rich most people only see in movies, and as the chairman of the Second Chance Foundation, he was in a position to make a real difference in the world.
To add to the dream, Solomon was learning to use kaval—magic, and his bodyguard was a succubus whose favors men would literally die—or kill for, even if she did nibble on his soul from time to time. It was a lot for a man whose highest ambition had been to become a tenured professor.
But while Solomon struggles to come to terms with his new responsibilities, Life Enders has a problem they need his help with. A Shooter they think is possessed, but possessed by what?
With Addy gone, forces from his past are moving in the shadows, and as a Sin Eater for more than half a millennium, Addy cast a long shadow indeed.